Mathematics Department
The Mathematics Department at 99499威尼斯信誉 offers personalized learning to challenge 和 support students so that every girl feels like she can be successful in math.
Teachers foster a growth mindset in students, helping each girl in her commitment 和 effort to master math.
In classes, students apply their learning in math to the real world 和 (yes!) exciting challenges. 在几何, students act as city planners to design 4 square blocks, 和 engage in a mock trial to debate triangle congruence. Our 概率 和 Statistics classes mount trail cameras in the campus woods to collect 和 analyze data on wild animals. Students carry this joy of math into their challenging Advanced Placement Calculus 和 Statistics classes.
Explore Our Mathematics Course Offerings
Portrait of a STEM Graduate
At the completion of the STEM program at Foxcroft, a graduate…
...演示了 scientific 和 mathematical literacy.
...设计 和 implements experiments, 和有效 沟通 工作.
...适用于 mathematical 和 scientific concepts to 解决 new 和 novel problems in the real world.
...自省 on growth 和 progress 和 评估 自己的工作.
科学 & Mathematical Literacy
Reads, interprets, 和 presents scientific 和 mathematical data, including graphs.
Evaluates scientific claims in primary scientific literature 和 popular culture.
Identifies reliable resources 和 uses them to construct arguments; 评估 bias.
Demonstrates numerical literacy in interpreting 和 translating between different types of numerical information.
Experimental Design & 建模
Asks questions 和 defines problems, based on personal interest, puzzling phenomena, or a problem to be 解决d.
Thoughtfully 设计, 执行, 分析, 和 沟通 the results of investigations, using appropriate technology.
Develops 和 uses scientific 和 mathematical models.
Applies iterative design to articulate processes, construct explanations, 和/or design solutions.
Recognizes 和 discusses the interconnectedness of concepts 和 patterns.
Applies knowledge 和 skills to new scenarios, including real-world problems.
Meet Our Mathematics Faculty
Lindsay Anderson
M.S., University of Rhode Isl和
B.S., University of Tampa
M.S., University of Central Florida
M.S., Florida Atlantic University