FXC Does DC Year 2: Second Annual School-Wide Trip to Our Nation’s Capital
On Thursday, October 3, Foxcroft students and faculty — over 180 people — traveled 43 miles from campus to Washington, DC, for a day of museum exploration and appreciation for history and culture.
Departing from campus in the morning, the group was shuttled to the National Mall, where they took a group photo with a view of the Washington Monument. Then it was off to their respective destinations, which included:
Freer Gallery of Art
Hirshhorn Museum
Holocaust Museum
National Air and Space Museum
National Gallery of Art
National Museum of African American History and Culture
National Museum of African Art
National Museum of the American Indian
Natural Museum of Natural History
Another group embarked on a walking tour of the monuments, including stops at the World War II Memorial, Lincoln Memorial and Reflecting Pool, and Thomas Jefferson Memorial, which they viewed from aboard their paddle boats on the Tidal Basin.
Throughout the museums and galleries, the engaging exhibits led to thoughtful conversations. To extend the learning back to campus, an advisory lesson was dedicated to reflection on the DC trip. Students were asked about their favorite exhibit or monument, pondering deeper questions such as “How were different cultures or histories represented in the museums?” and “How do the exhibits reflect the culture, history, or values of the time and place they represent?” Students were able to draw parallels not only based on their lessons at Foxcroft but also on a more global perspective as citizens of the world. They were asked to think about how the museum might influence their future learning and encouraged to come up with ideas about exhibits they might design themselves.